Interview with the costume designers from Dark Crystal for Netflix Queue Mag - Rima Suqi
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, The Dark Crystal, Toby Froud, Wendy Froud, Brian Froud, Netflix, Henson Studios, Muppets
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11 Jul Interview with the costume designers from Dark Crystal for Netflix Queue Mag

One of my favorite recent stories, because it’s a bit of a departure for me, is this one, an interview with Brian and Toby Froud, the father and son team behind the costumes for the Netflix series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. What’s interesting is that this series features “creatures” that are all puppets — almost 200 of them– and Brian and Toby were tasked with designing/creating both the creatures and the costumes – hair, make-up, jewelry, all of it, for puppets ranging from 2 to over 6 feet. It’s actually really fascinating, and you can read the entire piece here.