How Art Changed Mexico City/ELLE magazine - Rima Suqi
Zona Maco, Grupo Habita, Rafael, Moisés Micha, Jaime Micha, Carlos Couturier, Kurimanzutto Gallery, Museo Jump, Zélika García, Rodman Primack, Rudy F. Weissenberg, AGO Projects, Tony Moxham, Mauricio Paniagua, MT Objects
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10 Feb How Art Changed Mexico City/ELLE magazine

For the February issue of ELLE magazine, I wrote about how art changed Mexico City. The Zona Maco art fair, going on as I write this, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Its founder, along with Grupo Habita co-founder Rafael Micha, AGO Projects Rodman Primak and artist Tony Moxham were some long time residents who weighed in on this topic. You can read the entire piece here.